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Wirral Waters We Are Thinking Big Again

Monday 17 June 2013

Consultation Underway For Ilchester Park Improvements

Over the last week leading into our Picnic in Illchester Park The Mersey Forest has been asking your views on potential improvements to Illchester Park near Birkenhead North Railway Station.We'll now look closely at your views and collate them so that we can see what you like , dislike, and want improving in the park so this can inform  any future funding bids made in partnership with Wirral Council and Wirral Partnership Homes.
We know that of the 500 people who attended the event alot of you wanted to let us know your views and we collected them in a variety of ways.Face to face interviews, form filling, sticking labels on photos, making artworks to decorate the park on the day of the picnic and video interviews.We'd like to think that your views count,so we'll be taking particular interest in the views of young people!

Click image to enlarge!

Some of your feedback about the event!